8/08/2008 10:02:00 PM
Sandeep has left a new comment on your post "newitem":
Murthy, Introduction to p-adic Analytic Number Theory, ISBN-10: 082183262X
Was #106, got 8 highly votes until 8/22/2008.
Posted by Sandeep to outofprintmath at 8/08/2008 10:02:00 PM
Murthy, Introduction to p-adic Analytic Number Theory, ISBN-10: 082183262X
Was #106, got 8 highly votes until 8/22/2008.
Posted by Sandeep to outofprintmath at 8/08/2008 10:02:00 PM
It is in print:
Please remove.
It is in print at AMS
Confirmed (ams.org).