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11/03/2008 03:48:00 PM
Proteus71 has left a new comment on your post "newitem":

Smirnov's five volume "A Course in Higher Mathematics".

A mathematical physics text.

Was #168, got 1 moderately, 6 highly votes until 2/9/2010.
Posted by Proteus71 to outofprintmath at 11/03/2008 03:48:00 PM

The five volume by V. I. Smirnov "A Course in Higher Mathematics", carrying the signatures of Brown & Sneddon, represent a great contibution to those dedicated to pure and applied mathematics. I do believe it deserves more attention of the publishers, since we cannot find it free or published.

Posted by Lourenildo at 2/12/2009 02:58:00 PM

I do believe it deserves more attention of the publishers, since we cannot find it free or published.

Posted by android phone at 4/16/2013 12:39:00 AM
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